Multiple DUI Convictions in CA
There are many different aspects to a DUI case other than determining whether you were operating a motor vehicle while your blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08% or higher. Previous convictions are a very serious issue when dealing with DUI charge; not only will your penalties for conviction increase with previous DUIs, but with three or more previous convictions, you could face felony DUI charges, which carry even harsher penalties. The penalties for a second misdemeanor offense include up to $1,000 in fines, up to 1 year in jail, and up to 12 months' license suspension, among other penalties.
A third conviction of a misdemeanor DUI may carry penalties of up to 5 years of probation, up to 1 year in jail, up to $1,000 in fines, and a 3-year license revocation. If your DUI causes great bodily injury or death to another, then you will be charged with felony DUI. Being arrested for DUI with three or more prior convictions could also likely result in a felony DUI charge, and if you have been convicted of a felony DUI in the past, then any subsequent offenses could also be charged as felonies.
Arrested for DUI in Century City or Woodland Hills?
If you are battling a felony DUI charge, then you could face a substantial prison sentence, hefty fines, license suspension, and many other penalties. It is crucial that you have skilled representation on your side in order to combat the various accusations made against you. We are intent on providing our clients with the skillful representation that they need, and if you choose to work with us, then you can be sure that we will pursue your goals in your case. We are not afraid to stand by our clients all the way to verdict if need be. We know the fear and anxiety that you may be experiencing with a DUI charge.
Seek our representation in your case by calling us at (310) 929-2600 today.