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    • Domestic Violence Restraining Order Case Restraining Order Denied

      The case involved a former boyfriend and his new girlfriend against a former girlfriend—Mr. Taub’s client—as well as two witnesses. The former boyfriend also included his children as protected parties. The trial lasted half a day. After Taub’s evidence and argument, the Court found that the evidence was insufficient to support the former boyfriend’s request for a domestic violence restraining order. Consequently, his petition and request for a domestic violence restraining order was denied.

    • DUI reduced to Reckless Driving

      Mr. Taub defended a DUI case in which Defendant found asleep at the wheel in the middle of an intersection with .12 breath test results. There were 2 L.A. Firefighter witnesses, 2 gang unit police witness and 2 DUI unit investigator witnesses. Nevertheless, Mr. Taub field 6 motions including seeking exclusion of evidence of the Defendant’s breath results, statements, observations of the Defendant and presumption of breath results at time of driving, which would have been part of jury instructions. Mr. Taub resolved the case to a reckless driving with dismissal of the DUI charges.

    • Shoplifting Case Dismissed

      Mr. Taub was hired to handle a theft case involving shoplifting approximately 300 miles from his office location. He prepared most seriously to expose many of the weaknesses of expected prosecution witness testimony and flaws in the prosecution’s theory of the case, even with videotaped footage. However, Mr. Taub was able to negotiate a minimal civil compromise with the large corporate alleged victim. Ironically, he was informed by the prosecution that this would never occur due to retail store policy. However, the case was dismissed after proof that the compromise had been reached and even before payment was made.